All power plant permits

Environmental Impact Assessment

The Italian Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Culture have approved the environmental compatibility of the Rizziconi plant project based on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Criteria and phases of the environmental impact assessment


The Environmental Impact study identified, studied and examined all the potential environmental factors at play in the development of the plant project, paying particular attention to the analysis of the following aspects:

  • water consumption and water discharge;
  • atmospheric emissions and air quality;
  • noise emissions and the noise climate;
  • the microclimate of the surrounding area;
  • electromagnetic fields;
  • the integration of industrial developments into the landscape;



  • the archaeological and architectural heritage;
  • natural ecosystems;
  • the planned measures to eliminate or reduce adverse effects;
  • environmentally friendly power plant management;
  • the environmental monitoring plans;


Decree DEC/DSA/2004/00148 of March 2nd 2004
Positive assessment of the environmental compatibility of the architectural project from the EIA Commission
Decree of Authorisation no. 55/06/2004
Authorisation for the construction and operation of the power plant from the Ministry of Economic Development
Protocol No. DVA/DEC/2012/0000335 of July 3rd 2012
Renewal of integrated environmental authorization for the operation of the plant by decree of the Minister of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea
DM 79 of 03/03/2021 published in GU n. 68 on 03/19/2021
Renewal of the integrated environmental authorization for the operation of the plant with a decree of the Minister of Ecological Transition

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